From Chairman’s Desk

With a vision and mission to impart quality education to the masses and the objective to contribute as much as possible for the upliftment of the weaker sections of the society especially from rural areas of Telangana, we have established Nava Bharathi College of Education in the year 1984. With this motive we have established a number of educational institutions, and one such institution is Nava Bharathi College of Education which imparts teacher training course (B.Ed).This institution is recognized by Osmania university and accredited by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).The institution is also a programme study centre (B.Ed) for Indira Gandhi National Open Universaity(IGNOU) ,New delhi.

The young people today are facing a world in which communication and information revolution has led to changes in all spheres: scientific, technological, political, economic, social and cultural. To be able to prepare our young people face the future with confidence purpose and responsibility, the crucial role of teachers cannot be overemphasized. New demands are often placed on the schools in addition to the existing ones, to be equipped with current knowledge and modern methods of acquiring new knowledge.

Role of Teachers: The changes that took place in schools have changed the roles of teachers, too. In the past teachers used to be the major source of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students' school life. Nowadays, teachers provide information and show their students how to tackle them. Another difference between the past and present tasks of teachers is represented by the technical background they need to be able to use and handle effectively (computer, photocopier, power point, projectors, etc.) Instead of teaching chalk face, they need to be an information technology expert,. One of the biggest challenges for teachers is that their role in the school management has also changed. The school needs them as individuals, who can make decisions and cope with the stress. At the same time teachers need to be able to work in teams, co-operate with colleagues and parents. A teacher has to generate that energy in oneself and handle it in one's work of educating children. A teacher has not only to instruct but also to inspire the students.

Keeping the present day role of teachers in mind our institution follow modular approach of teaching combined with interventions of realistic nature by way of field trips, intermediary interventions with real life situations and through audio-video devices, wherever possible. Teaching in our Nava Bharathi College of Education is directed towards empowering prospective teachers to enable to use their experiences in actual work places for enhancing growth and development of young children. We have a planned amalgam of theory and practice in a way that these two constitute a continuum of experiences. The teaching of theoretical components will combine various methods and approaches like lecturing, tutorials, seminars, term-papers, discussion groups, gaming, role playing, etc. The practical work of the prospective teachers will centre around evolving and devising programmes and activities for physical, psychomotor, cognitive, emotional and other aspects of development.
We mould the teacher trainees coming out of Nava Bharathi College of Education are committed, motivated, and are willing to perform for the benefit of the learners, community and the society.